Creating a memory-backed storage on Linux

Frequently you’ll find that tmpfs is the most convenient one. Alternatively there’s also ramfs and ramdisk. Starting with ramfs, it’s a memory FS that when mounted, it can use up...

Authenticate to Git with different users on different repositories

Sometimes you might need to use different Git repositories on your computer, but authenticating to separate users, such as your personal and your work user. Fortunately, git provides us with...

wmcompanion - Desktop environment features to your minimalist WM

You use a minimalist tiling window manager, yet you want to be able to tinker with your desktop more easily and implement features like the ones available in full blown...

Using systemd user units to react to sleep/suspend

Using systemd to manage user-level services is great. There’s a few caveats though, and one of them is that there’s no easy way to depend on system level units. That’s...

Using systemd as cron

Tradionally, *nix users are familiar (or maybe not so much) with cron syntax, whereas you define applications to be run at specific schedules. What most people don’t know is that...